The Chamise Burl Series:

This series makes use of the large, underground root burl of Chamise, that displays absolutely exquisite grain patterns and quite distinctive characteristics. Each piece is as unique and diverse as the materials themselves. Built through several layers of resin and color work to create depth and movement through the bio based resin. The frames are hand made from African Mahogany and custom built around the work, sealed together as a final step.

What is Chamise? It didn’t sound like any tree I was familiar with. I had to look it up and do some research. How does it fit into the ecosystem? What’s it’s nature and it’s role in Nature? I like to know some bit of story. Here’s the basics of what I learned…

Chamise is actually a flowering shrub not a tree, native to California and northern Baja California.  It is a food source and habitat for wildlife and helps with erosion control for soil stability due to it’s wide spreading and deeply penetrating roots, drought resistance and ability to regenerate quickly after wildfires.

The root system underground forms this big knotty burl as it matures. What is a charred, gnarled mass on the outside belies it’s interior.   It’s so organic, so non-linear. Deep red and full of irregularities and imperfections that I’ve learned only add to beauty. When I saw the promise that lay in the color and figure, I knew it would create something stunning that would ask for a double take and a closer look.

Chamise BUrl Series: